This is an Off-Season Function Strength Training Program for Runners with a Focus on Strength, Run Technique, Endurance, Injury Prevention & Recovery from Injury.
We are training you to literally have a “Stiffer Stride” which helps to make Running Faster, Longer & Safer while using Less Energy easier to do.
We take you where you are and help you improve your ability to complete ANY desired distance.
beginner, intermediate & advanced runners – even if you are starting as a walker.
runners who desire to overcome past/present frustrating, disappointing & painful problems, issues, or injuries.
anyone who desires to take his/her running technique, mechanics & ability to the next levels.
Train for Your 1st or Fastest Distance of Choice [24-Weeks: 12/10/23 to 05/25/24]
Build Functional Strength to Run Faster, Longer & Safer while using Less Energy
Lose 12 to 48 Pounds (0.5 to 2 pounds a week for 24 weeks, if you have it to lose)
We use Our Run Burn Shrink Framework for Improved Running to inspire weight loss, fat loss, strength gains, muscle toning, muscle building, muscle sculpting, better nutrition, and improved hydration skills.
If you have a BMI that is greater than 29.9, we recommend our Couch2Walk program to give your body time to get lighter, leaner and stronger before starting our Walk2Run 5K programs.
We recommend that you build a solid foundation for the 5K distance prior to adding longer distances. The initial goal is to complete a 5K in 31:04 or less via Sub10Miles program. Once you establish a 5K base time, the goal is to extend the pace for longer distances.
We are training the Next Generation of Runners to RUN Faster, Longer & Safer while using Less Energy.
Eight 21-Day “Personalized” Potential Releasing Training Plans
A Functional Strength Training Program to help you build strength while also sculpting your body
Form Improvement Stretches, Drills, Proprioceptive Instructions and PlyoWork
A Strategic Race Plan for Your Major Event(s)
A Nutrition Strategy Aligned with Your Weight Management Goals
A Private Team Area to Share Training Thoughts, Emotions, Feelings, Results, Experiences…
Post your RUN & WORKOUT DATA on the day you complete them.
Complete the FUNCTIONAL STRENGTH training work.
Mentally and physically work to complete FORM IMPROVEMENT Stretches, Drills, Proprioceptive Instructions and PlyoWork.
Give your coach an opportunity to be your coach by FOLLOWING his/her lead.
Couch2Walk: Build a foundation for walking while also working to move your BMI to 29.9 or less. The training goal for this program is to safely complete a 5K in 55:00, then 50:00 (mm:ss) or less.
Walk2Run: Build a foundation for completing a 5K in 45:00, 40:00 or 35:00 (mm:ss) or less.
Sub10Miles: Build a foundation for completing a 5K in 31:00 (mm:ss) or less.
Half-Marathon: Set personal records that are at a Sub-10 pace while working toward a Sub 2-Hour time.
Marathon: Set personal records that are at a Sub-10 pace while working to Qualify for Boston, if that is what you desire.
Ultra: Train to complete a 50K, 50 Miles, 100K, 100 Miles or more…
Q & A'S
QUESTION: Is most of the work done on your own?
ANSWER: Yes, the runs are mostly done on your own even though I highly encourage and push for team meet-ups for all runs.
QUESTION: Do you have group runs? If so, where?
ANSWER: No, we do not have group runs but members can connect and complete runs together in their local areas.
This program provides information that is intended to assist users in their running, exercise and/or weight management efforts. Each user is urged to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any running, exercise and/or weight management program. This program is not intended for use by minors, pregnant women, or individuals with any type of poor health condition. Such individuals are specifically warned to seek professional medical advice prior to initiating our program.
No refunds will be provided in full or in part for any reason, including injury, after the program begins. If you desire to cancel your subscription prior to the next schedule payment, you can do so.
Subscribers are responsible and assume liability for all medical expenses incurred because of training for and/or participating in any physical or nutrition related challenge/activities which are hosted face-to-face or virtually, including but not limited to ambulance transport, hospital stays, physician and pharmaceutical goods and services.
#TSS2023 SCHEDULE [24-WEEKS: 12/10/23 to 05/25/24]
CYCLE 1 [12-WEEKS: 12/10/23 to 03/02/24] | CYCLE 2 [12-WEEKS: 03/03/24 to 05/25/24] |
PLAN 1 [21-Days: 12/10/23 to 12/30/23] 3 Weeks of EXPLORE WORK Cycle 1 Lose 1.5 to 6 pounds by Day 21 Week 01: 12/10/23 to 12/16/23 Week 02: 12/17/23 to 12/23/23 Week 03: 12/24/23 to 12/30/23 | PLAN 5 [21-Days: 03/03/24 to 03/23/24] 3 Weeks of EXPLORE WORK Cycle 2 Lose 7.5 to 30 pounds by Day 105 Week 13: 03/03/24 to 03/09/24 Week 14: 03/10/24 to 03/16/24 Week 15: 03/17/24 to 03/23/24 |
PLAN 2 [21-Days: 12/31/23 to 01/20/24] 3 Weeks of IMPROVE WORK Cycle 1 Lose 3 to 12 pounds by Day 42 Week 04: 12/31/23 to 01/06/24 Week 05: 01/07/24 to 01/13/24 Week 06: 01/14/24 to 01/20/24 | PLAN 6 [21-Days: 03/24/24 to 04/13/24] 3 Weeks of IMPROVE WORK Cycle 2 Lose 9 to 36 pounds by Day 126 Week 16: 03/24/24 to 03/30/24 Week 17: 03/31/24 to 04/06/24 Week 18: 04/07/24 to 04/13/24 |
PLAN 3 [21-Days: 01/21/24 to 02/10/24] 3 Weeks of MASTER WORK Cycle 1 Lose 4.5 to 18 pounds by Day 63 Week 07: 01/21/24 to 01/27/24 Week 08: 01/28/24 to 02/03/24 Week 09: 02/04/24 to 02/10/24 | PLAN 7 [21-Days: 04/14/24 to 05/04/24] 3 Weeks of MASTER WORK Cycle 2 Lose 10.5 to 42 pounds by Day 147 Week 19: 04/14/24 to 04/20/24 Week 20: 04/21/24 to 04/27/24 Week 21: 04/28/24 to 05/04/24 |
PLAN 4 [21-Days: 02/11/24 to 03/02/24] 3 Weeks of SURPASS WORK Cycle 1 Lose 6 to 24 pounds by Day 84 Week 10: 02/11/24 to 02/17/24 Week 11: 02/18/24 to 02/24/24 Week 12: 02/25/24 to 03/02/24 | PLAN 8 [21-Days: 05/05/24 to 05/25/24] 3 Weeks of SURPASS WORK Cycle 2 Lose 12 to 48 pounds by Day 168 Week 22: 05/05/24 to 05/11/24 Week 23: 05/12/24 to 05/18/24 Week 24: 05/19/24 to 05/25/24 |
I can’t remember what I registered for but I know I told you I need to increase my speed n maintain it. My times have 14 minutes.
Hey Coach, can I switch programs?